Welcome to HAZEL

Current scenario is Baseline

Healthcare Demand

Current scenario is Baseline
Healthcare Deficit

Practice Information

Current scenario is Baseline
Open Practice Capacity

Patient Information

Current scenario is Baseline
Healthcare Deficit for Patients by Chronic Condition
Healthcare Deficit for Patients by Health Insurance


Current scenario is Baseline
Visual representation of the access deficit post-Sandy (gap between population need and healthcare provider capacity)
Conceptual representation of relationship between provider capacity
and population need for primary care before and after Superstorm Sandy.

Disasters can disrupt primary care services, resulting in a gap between the ability of healthcare providers to deliver care, and the increased healthcare needs of the population. This gap is called the access deficit. The impact of Superstorm Sandy on primary care capacity in the Rockaway Peninsula, Queens, New York provides a unique case study for understanding the access deficit and how to reduce it.

HAZEL (hazard-area primary care locator) is a mod­eling tool designed to simulate primary care strategies implemented and/or considered during and after Su­perstorm Sandy in the Rockaways; with further devel­opment, HAZEL can become widely available to help in restoring post-disaster primary care access for other locales.

HAZEL parameters describe the access deficit for pri­mary care services resulting from the dynamics of pro­vider capacity and population need during and after a disaster. Data include: population demographics, evac­uation patterns, health insurance source and status, healthcare utilization, local infrastructure, primary care sites, pharmacies, topology, and relevant laws, policies, and emergency orders. The HAZEL model for Superstorm Sandy in the Rockaways can be adapted for other geographic settings and other future disasters.

This project is funded through the University of Pittsburgh Center for Public Health Practice by the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response Cooperative Agreement Number 1 HITEP130004-01-00.
Data for this study was provided by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (NYC DOHMH). The opinions, results, findings and/or interpretations of data contained herein are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not represent the opinions, interpretation, or policy of NYC DOHMH or the City of New York.


Current scenario is Baseline
Selected Scenarios

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Van Count
Exceed Capacity
% Addtnl Cap
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