Current Calibrated Parameters

The table presents the ranges of the odds ratios (or hazard ratios) for the parameters influencing transition probabilities in the model. These ranges (lower and upper bound) are derived from studies examining the effect of each parameter on the outcome of interest. For example, the literature indicates that the odds of overdose in males can be up to twice as high as in females; therefore, we defined the odds ratio range for males as [1, 2] in the transition from PU/MU/OUD to overdose. The ‘Mean (literature)’ column shows the average of lower and upper bounds, while the ‘Calibrated’ column displays the value obtained by calibrating the model to overdose death data.

For details on the individual studies used to establish these ranges, click on the hyperlink in the ‘Transition’ column values.

Note: The calibrated values will be updated shortly.

Index Transition Predictor Type (OR/HR) Lower Bound Upper Bound Mean (literature) Calibrated
1 PU/MU/OUD to Overdose white Odds ratio 1 3 2
2 PU/MU/OUD to Overdose age: 45-64 Odds ratio 0.2 1.5 0.85
3 PU/MU/OUD to Overdose age: 65+ Odds ratio 0.2 1.5 0.85
4 PU/MU/OUD to Overdose male Odds ratio 1 2 1.5
5 PU/MU/OUD to Overdose mental health history Odds ratio 1 3 2
6 PU/MU/OUD to Overdose former polysubstance Odds ratio 1 5 3
7 PU/MU/OUD to Overdose current polysubstance Odds ratio 1 5 3
8 PU/MU/OUD to Overdose overdose history Odds ratio 2 6 4
9 PU to Overdose medium dose Odds ratio 1 3 2
10 PU to Overdose high dose Odds ratio 1 3 2
11 MOUD to Overdose white Hazard ratio 1 3 2
12 MOUD to Overdose age: 45-64 Hazard ratio 0.5 1 0.85
13 MOUD to Overdose age: 65+ Hazard ratio 0.5 1 0.85
14 MOUD to Overdose male Hazard ratio 1 2 1.5
15 MOUD to Overdose mental health history Hazard ratio 1 3 2
16 MOUD to Overdose former polysubstance Hazard ratio 1 5 3
17 MOUD to Overdose current polysubstance Hazard ratio 1 5 3
18 MOUD to Overdose overdose history Hazard ratio 2 6 4
19 PU to OUD medium dose Odds ratio 1 3 2
20 PU to OUD high dose Odds ratio 1 3 2
21 Misuse to OUD white Hazard ratio 1 2 1.5
22 Misuse to OUD age: 45-64 Hazard ratio 0.5 1 0.75
23 Misuse to OUD age: 65+ Hazard ratio 0.5 1 0.75
24 Misuse to OUD male Hazard ratio 1 3 2
25 Misuse to OUD mental health history Hazard ratio 1 5 3
26 Misuse to OUD former polysubstance Hazard ratio 1 4 2.5
27 Misuse to OUD current polysubstance Hazard ratio 1 4 2.5
28 OUD to MOUD white Odds ratio 1 3 2
29 OUD to MOUD white Odds ratio 0.5 1 0.75
30 OUD to MOUD age: 45-64 Odds ratio 0.5 2 1.25
31 OUD to MOUD age: 65+ Odds ratio 0.5 2 1.25
32 OUD to MOUD male Odds ratio 1 2 1.5
33 OUD to MOUD mental health history Odds ratio 0.5 2 1.25
34 OUD to MOUD former polysubstance Odds ratio 0.2 1 0.6
35 OUD to MOUD current polysubstance Odds ratio 0.2 1 0.6
36 Non-use/Remission to Opioid Rx white Odds ratio 1 2 1.5
37 Non-use/Remission to Opioid Rx age: 45-64 Odds ratio 1 3 2
38 Non-use/Remission to Opioid Rx age: 65+ Odds ratio 1 3 2
39 Non-use/Remission to Opioid Rx mental health history Odds ratio 1 3 2
40 Opioid Rx to Misuse white Odds ratio 1 2 1.5
41 Opioid Rx to Misuse age: 45-64 Odds ratio 0.5 0.95 0.72
42 Opioid Rx to Misuse age: 65+ Odds ratio 0.5 0.95 0.72
43 Opioid Rx to Misuse male Odds ratio 1 2 1.5
44 Opioid Rx to Misuse mental health history Odds ratio 2 4 3
45 Opioid Rx to Misuse former polysubstance Odds ratio 2 5 3.5
46 Opioid Rx to Misuse current polysubstance Odds ratio 2 5 3.5
47 Opioid Rx to Misuse medium dose Odds ratio 1 3 2
48 Opioid Rx to Misuse high dose Odds ratio 1 3 2

PU - Opioid prescription use
MU - Misuse
OUD - Opioid use disorder
MOUD - Medication for opioid use disorder

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