Download: Population Files

The FRED platform uses synthetic populations as the basis for creating realistic spatial population distributions and mixing group patterns. Synthetic populations are statistically realistic representations of the actual populations based on Public Use Microdata (PUMS) data and Census aggregated data. The populations include individuals in geolocated households, as well as schools and workplaces (where data is available).

FRED's U.S. synthetic population is based on the U.S. Synthetic Population 2010 (Version 1) developed by RTI International, and includes group quarters such as college dormitories, prisons, nursing homes, and military barracks.

Synthetic populations for other locations are under development and should be considered experimental and subject to change.

Please see the file METADATA.txt in the download for descriptions of data formats and further acknowledgments.

Population Files by State
Click "Download" to get a compressed file with the population files for the selected State.

Development of U.S. Populations was supported by the Models of Infectious Disease Agency Study (MIDAS) from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), grant number U24GM087704.

Additional support was provided by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.